Maranatha Senior School Harare
Maranatha Christian High School family welcomes you parents and guardians. The school offers a unique package of education to learners as it is a conception of the new demands of the globalised economy which is characterized by high unemployment rate the world over. The school’s educational package involves amongst others:
- A diverse academic curriculum meant to tickle the sleeping giant in the child.
- An international qualification offered under the auspices of Cambridge examinations. We are a Cambridge centre.
- Every child does entrepreneurship studies, the problem solving approach to learning
- The school offers learner driving lessons to all pupils who are 16 years and above.
- Cultural exchange programs with other schools in the world which help to expose the learner and unlock potential in them.
- School on the shop floor program which takes the learners to where it is all happening in the corporate world and industry for 2 to 3 weeks at Form 3 and L6 over term 1 vacation.
- We have introduced renewable energy as a new innovation to sensitize learners with a sound knowledge of the energy crisis that is now a reality globally.